Recover password


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If you have forgotten your password, click the Forgotten Password? button to have it emailed to you.

Please note the following points:

  • You can find your SSIN (identification number of the National Register) at the back of your identity card. Enter the 11 numeric characters, without the dashes (-) and dots (.) Example: 61011001439
  • If you are using Microsoft Internet Explorer, make sure you ask it not to remember your password on the Login page otherwise anyone with access to your PC can access your pension and personal details
  • Always keep your Member Number and password secret. Under no circumstances should you disclose these to anybody as they will compromise security to your pension and personal details
  • Never leave your machine unattended whilst you are signed in.
  • Always click the Logoff button when you are finished.
  • In case of problems, please send an e-mail to with a copy of your nationality card (both sides)